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Nightmare's / utställningar / utställningar i England

Här visas resultat från engelska utställningar. Vi listar vilka djur som visats upp, samt eventuella placeringar de tagit.

[U5 = under 5 månader, 5/8 = 5-8 månader, Ad = över 8 månader, AV = alla varianter, AA = alla åldrar, AOV = alla övriga varianter]

2025-02-08, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Don Payne

2025-01-18, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Peter Gammie (Ad coated), Don Payne (5-8 coated), Mary Jaffa (U5 coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Melanie Oulton

2024-12-29, Birmingham
Black Country Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Clare Allen-Holmes

2024-12-08, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Nunn

2024-12-01, Fareham
Fareham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Jayne Matthews

2024-11-17, Sandbach
Sandbach Original Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare David Beckham-Doyle

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Lisa Leach

2024-11-02, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Clare Allen-Holmes

2024-10-12, Wiltshire
Wiltshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Julie Gallagher (longhair)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Simon Neesam

2024-10-06, Birmingham
Black Country Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (longhair)

2024-09-14, Real London, Bracknell
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Derek Pike (Ad), Rex Matthews (5/8), Emma Whitcombe (U5)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Caroline Creese

2024-08-25, Edenbridge and Oxted Show
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Sam Richardson (nonself), Greg Jackson (self), Becky Long (pet)

2024-08-18, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Ian Reynolds (nonself) och Julie Gallagher (self)

2024-07-27, Mid-Devon Agricultural Show, Devon
Devon Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Andrew Sparks (nonself) och Jme Eglington (self)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Julie Gallagher

2024-07-06, NCC Combined Championship Show, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Don Payne (adult) och Derek Pike (U5)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Andrew Sparks

2024-05-05, Oldham
Oldham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Amy Heale

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare David Beckham-Doyle

2024-05-04, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Caroline Smith

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Jme Eglington

2024-04-28, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Jme Eglington

2024-04-07, Fareham
Fareham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Emma Whitcombe

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Chloe Smith

2024-03-03, Birmingham
Black Country Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Sam Richardson

2024-02-17, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Nunn

2024-02-04, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Evelyn van Vliet (BIS), Melanie Oulton (Ad Nonself), Simon Neesam (5-8 Nonself) och Andrew McDonnell (U5 Nonself)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, Andrew McDonnell

2023-12-30, Birmingham
Birmingham & Black Country Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Jme Eglington

2023-12-10, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Simon Neesam

2023-11-26, North Warrington
North Warrington Cavy Club, domare Jme Eglington

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Siobhan Beaudin

2023-11-11, Desborough
Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Nunn

2023-10-29, Highham
Kent Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Peter Nunn (nonself)

National Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Peter Gammie (nonself)

2023-10-01, Birmingham
Birmingham & Black County Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Gary Taylor

2023-09-09, Real London, Bracknell
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Steve Davies (Ad) och Jayne Matthews (5-8)

2023-08-19, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Norman Field

2023-07-16, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes

2023-06-24, NCC Combined Championship Show, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (adult), Ian Reynolds (5-8) och Julie Gallagher (U5)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Jayne Matthews

2023-06-03, Bristol
Bristol Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Caroline Creese (coated) och Ian Reynolds (self, marked and ticked)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Emma Whitcombe

2023-05-14, Epsom
Epsom Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Don Payne

2023-04-16, Norwich
City of Norwich Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Don Payne

2023-04-09, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Sam Richardson (Nonself) and Greg Jackson (Self)

2023-03-05, Birmingham
Birmingham & Black County Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Lisa Leach (Self, Marked & Ticked, Longhair) and Mel Bell (Coated)

2023-02-11, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (Nonself) and Mark Pascoe (Self)

2023-01-21, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Don Payne (Ad coated), Andrew Sparkes (5-8 coated) och Malcolm Atkinson (U5 coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Lisa Leach

2022-12-11, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, domare Graham Godfrey

2022-11-12, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Janet Saynor

2022-11-06, Oldham
Oldham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Ray Woolston (Nonself) och Oliver Joyce (Self)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Melanie Oulton

2022-10-23, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Don Payne (Longhair), Julie Gallagher, Jackie Corfield (clipped)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Chloe Smith

2022-10-02, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Penny Bell (Nonself) och Julie Gallagher (Self)

2022-09-18, Epsom
Epsom Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (Nonself) och Peter Gammie (Self)

2022-09-03, Real London
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (U5 Nonself), Peter Nunn (5-8 Nonself), Derek Pike (Ad Nonself)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Ian Reynolds

2022-08-28, Edenbridge & Oxted Show
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Graham Godfrey (nonself), Sophie Barnard (clipped), Rito Ribeiro Hellman (pet)

2022-08-20, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Peter Wardman

2022-07-23, NCC Combined Championship Show, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Don Payne (5-8) och Jayne Matthews (U5)

2022-06-04, Bristol
Bristol Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Emma Whitcombe (coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Caroline Creese

2022-06-02, Staffordshire County Show, Stafford
Birmingham Cavy Club, domare Melanie Oulton (coated)

Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Janey Saynor (coated)

2022-05-15, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, domare Caroline Smith (nonself) och Phil Jackson (self)

2022-04-17, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, domare Don Payne

2022-04-03, Fareham
Fareham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show och SCC 4 star show, domare Amy Heale (nonself)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Emma Whitcombe

2022-03-19, Lincoln
Lincolnshire Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Andrew McDonnell (nonself) och Peter Wardman (self)

2022-02-20, Essex
Essex Cavy Society, NCC 3 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself) och Andrew Sparkes (self)

2022-01-22, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Andrew McDonnell (Ad coated), Brian Leiper (5-8 coated) och Penny Bell (U5 coated)

National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes
Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Julie Gallagher

2021-12-12, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, domare Ray Woolston

2021-11-28, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, domare Graham Godfrey (coated) och Derek Pike (self, marked & ticked)

2021-10-24, Warwick
Warwick Cavy Club, domare Emma Whitcombe (nonself)

2021-10-03, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, domare Amy Heale (nonself)

2021-08-29, Edenbridge and Oxted Show
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Peter Gammie (nonself)

2020-02-29, Cheltenham
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Don Payne (coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Eileen Emmett

2020-02-23, Essex
Essex Cavy Society, NCC 2 star & SCC 5 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself) och Ray Woolston (self)

Southern Cavy Club (Spring Stock Show), SCC 5 star show, domare Penny Bell (nonself) och Ian Reynolds (self)

2020-02-16, Loughborough
Loughborough Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare David Oulton (nonself) och Melanie Oulton (self)

2020-02-08, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself) och Peter Nunn (self)

2020-01-18, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Melanie Oulton (Ad coated), Derek Pike (5/8 coated) och Ian Reynolds (U5 coated)

2019-12-08, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Wardman

2019-11-24, Birmingham
Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Nunn (coated) och Don Payne (marked & ticked)

2019-11-17, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, SCC 3 star show, domare Sophie Barnard

2019-11-09, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (nonself)

2019-10-26, Warwick
Warwick Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Graham Thorpe (pet)

2019-10-06, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Nikki Matthews (longhair & coated)

2019-09-29, Essex
Essex Cavy Society, SCC 2 star show, domare Graham Godfrey (nonself)

2019-09-22, Epsom
Epsom Cavy Club, NCC 3 star & SCC 4 star show, domare Andrew Sparks (nonself) och Melanie Oulton (self)

Southern Cavy Club (Adult Stock Show), SCC 5 star show, domare David Oulton (nonself) och Barbara Glue (self)

2019-09-14, Real London
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Jim Fort (Ad nonself) och Peter Wright (5-8 nonself)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Rex Matthews

2019-09-08, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, domare Peter Nunn

2019-08-25, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Simon Neesan (nonself)

2019-08-18, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Graham Thorpe (nonself) och Phil Jackson (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Claire Pashley (nonself) och Megan Sheeran (self)

2019-07-28, North Staffordshire
North Staffordshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Julie Gallagher (nonself)

Northern Cavy Fanciers, domare Phil Jackson (nonself) och Nicky Lockett (self)

2019-07-20, NCC Combined Championship Show, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Malcolm Atkinson (nonself 5-8) och Julie Gallagher (nonself U5)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Emma Whitcombe

2019-07-06, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Club, SCC 2 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott

2019-06-23, South West Championship, Gloucester
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (longhair)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Caroline Creese

2019-06-16, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Nikki Matthews (nonself)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Graham Thorpe (nonself) och Emma Burton (self)

2019-05-30, Stafford County Show
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Pete Wardman (nonself), Penny Bell (marked & ticked) och Jme Eglington (self)

2019-05-19, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Pete Holdaway (nonself) och George Leete (pet)

2019-05-11, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Wardman (nonself) och Ann Start (self)

2019-04-21, Loughborough
Loughborough Cavy Club, domare Graham Thorpe

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Mark Pascoe (nonself) och Aaron Barnicott (self)

2019-04-13, Keighley
Yorkshire Championship Show, NCC 3 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (longhair, rex, teddy, satin och crested)

National Cavy Club (Spring Stock Show), NCC 10 star show, domare Peter Wardman (coated)

2019-04-07, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Amy Heale (coated och longhair) och Steve Davies (marked & ticked)

2019-03-30, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Shane Ross (nonself) och Phil Jackson (klippt)

2019-03-18, North Staffordshire
North Staffordshire Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Nikki Matthews (nonself)

2019-03-03, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Don Payne (coated), Janet Saynor (marked & ticked) och Ray Woolston (self)

2019-02-23, Cheltenham
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Jayne Matthews (longhair) och Derek Pike (clipped)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Betty Crick

2019-02-02, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare George Leete (nonself) och Norman Field (self)

2019-01-19, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Oliver Joyce (coated U5) och Janet Saynor (coated 5/8)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Ian Reynolds

2018-12-09, Loughborough
Loughborough Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Kathy Dudding (coated) och C Allen-Holmes (pet)

National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Jayne Matthews (coated) och Mel Bell (pet)

2018-11-25, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Graham Godfrey (coated) och Steve Davies (marked & ticked)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Janet Saynor (nonself) och Don Payne (self, marked & ticked)

2018-11-10, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Helen Lehan (nonself) och Peter Nunn (self)

2018-10-27, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Janet Saynor (nonself) och Peter Wardman (self)

2018-10-21, Yardley Hastings
Nene Valley Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (nonself) och Norman Field (self)

2018-10-07, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Jim Fort (coated)

2018-09-22, Lincoln
Lincolnshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Betty Crick (nonself)
Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Ian Reynolds

2018-09-15, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Phil Jackson (nonself) och Shane Ross (self)

2018-09-08, Real London, Bracknell
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Jayne Matthews (adult coated), Rex Matthews (5/8 coated) och Ian Reynolds (U5 coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Kathy Dudding

2018-08-26, Edenbridge and Oxted Show
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Steve Davies (nonself) and Amy Heale (self)

2018-08-18, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Julie Gallagher (nonself)

2018-07-21, Stafford, NCC Combined Championship Show
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself 5/8)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Darren Fieldhouse

2018-07-01, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Betty Crick (nonself)

2018-06-24, South West Championship, Gloucester
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Rex Matthews (nonself 5/8)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Diane Nunn

2018-06-16, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Faye Baynham (pet)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Ray Woolston (nonself) och Mark Pascoe (pet)

2018-06-03, Merstham
Epsom Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Graham Godfrey (nonself) och Barbara Glue (self)

2018-05-27, Middleton-on-Sea
Worthing & Eastergate Cavy Club, SCC 4 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (nonself) och Graham Godfrey (self)

Southern Cavy Club (Spring Stock Show), SCC 5 star show, domare Sue Pearce (nonself) och Graham Thorpe (self)

2018-05-12, Oswestry
National Cavy Club (Spring Stock Show), NCC 10 star show, domare Kathy Dudding (coated) och Ian Reynolds (clipped)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Julie Gallagher

2018-04-21, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Madeleine Coomber (nonself) och Gary Clark (self)

2018-04-15, Norwich
Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Ray Woolston

2018-04-08, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Ian Reynolds (coated), Peter Nunn (marked & ticked) och Shane Ross (self)

2018-03-31, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Ray Woolston (nonself) och Peter Nunn (self)

2018-02-25, Chelmsford
Essex Cavy Society, NCC 2 star show, domare Gary Taylor (nonself) och Becky Long (self)

2018-02-24, Cheltenham
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Ian Reynolds

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Nikki Matthews

2018-02-18, Loughborough
Loughborough Rabbit & Cavy Club, domare Graham Thorpe

2018-02-03, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself), Graham Thorpe (self) och Rodney Calow (klippt)

2018-01-20, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Rex Matthews (Ad), Jayne Matthews (5/8), Nikki Matthews (U5) och Su Schofield (klippt)

2017-11-26, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Nikki Matthews (longhair/coated), Tony O'Neill (marked and ticked) och Jim Fort (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Graham Thorpe (longhair/coated), Ray Woolston (marked and ticked) och Dave Walton (self)

2017-11-11, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Aaron Barnicott (nonself) och George Leete (self)

2017-10-28, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Ray Woolston (nonself) och Ian Cinderby (self)

2017-10-22, Yardley Hastings
Nene Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Julie Gallagher

2017-10-08, Newick
Mid-Sussex Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Andrew Sparkes (nonself)

2017-10-01, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Ian Reynolds (longhair and coated)

2017-09-23, Lincoln
Lincolnshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Adam Collier (nonself)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Janet Saynor (nonself)

2017-09-09, Bracknell Leisure Centre
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Derek Pike (adult coated), Don Payne (5/8 coated) and Andrew Sparkes (U5 coated)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Rex Matthews

2017-08-27, Selston
Selston and Sherwood Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Claire Pashley (nonself) and Betty Crick (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Paul Conway (nonself)

2017-08-20, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Phil Jackson

2017-07-30, Yardley Hastings
Nene Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Trudy Couchman (nonself) och Roger Couchman (self)

2017-07-16, Norwich
Norwich Rabbit and Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Peter Wardman

2017-07-15, NCC Championship, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Simon Neesam (Ad), Andrew Sparkes (5/8) och Ian Reynolds (U5)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Julie Gallagher

2017-07-02, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Peter Wardman (coated)

2017-07-01, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Don Payne (nonself)

2017-06-25, South West Championship, Gloucester
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Peter Gammie (longhair)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Jayne Matthews

2017-06-10, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare G Thorpe (nonself) och D Walton (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare H Pashley (nonself) och J Pashley (self)

2017-06-01, Staffordshire County Show
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Melanie Oulton (nonself)

2017-05-21, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Nikki Mathews (nonself)

2017-05-13, Welland Valley
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare H Pashley (nonself) and G Thorpe (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Betty Crick (nonself)

2017-05-06, Oldham
Oldham Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare S Davies (nonself) and A Heale (self)

2017-04-22, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare Ian Reynolds

2017-04-16, Norwich
City of Norwich Rabbit & Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare George Leete

2017-04-09, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Caroline Smith

2017-04-01, Fareham
Fareham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star & SCC 4 star show, domare Jayne Matthews

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Ian Reynolds

2017-03-18, Glossop
Hyde and Glossop Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Jim Fort

Midlands Cavy Club (5/8 Stock Show), NCC 2 star show, domare Brian Miller

2017-03-12, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Peter Nunn

2017-02-12, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 3 star show, domare Evelyne van Vliet (nonself)

2017-01-21, Doncaster
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare Darren Fieldhouse (U5), Kathy Dudding (5/8) och Peter Wardman (Ad)

2016-12-03, Peterborough
Peterborough Cavy Club, SCC 3 star show, domare R. Couchman

2016-11-27, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Peter Nunn (coated), Penny Bell (nonself) och Oliver Joyce (self)

Midlands Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Betty Crick

2016-11-12, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare Ian Reynolds

2016-11-05, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Graham Godfrey (nonself) och Ian Reynolds (self)

2016-10-22, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare G. Thorpe

2016-10-02, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 5 star show, domare Betty Crick (coated) och Fiona Brumpton (klippt)

2016-09-10, Bracknell Leisure Centre
Real London Show, NCC 5 star show, domare Nicki Matthews (coated U5) och Gill Broad (adult owned pet)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Caroline Creese

2016-08-28, Selston
Selston and Sherwood Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare G. Thorpe (nonself) och M. Thorpe (pet)

2016-07-17, Boughton-under Blean
Canterbury and Coast Cavy Club, SCC & NCC 3 star show, domare Emma Whitcombe (nonself & klippt) och Jo Nixon (pet)

2016-07-16, NCC Combined Championship Show, Stafford
National Cavy Club, NCC 10 star show, domare Peter Wardman

2016-07-03, Birmingham
Birmingham Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Jim Fort (nonself)

2016-07-02, Sandon
North Herts Cavy Association, SCC 4 star & NCC 2 star show, domare R. Couchman (nonself) & P. Jackson (self)

Southern Cavy Club (Intermediate Stock Show), SCC 5 star show, domare A. Sparkes (nonself)

2016-06-26, South West Championship, Gloucester
Wyevern Cavy Club, NCC 4 star show, domare Nikki Matthews (longhair)

Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Fred Holmes

2016-06-04, Peterborough
Peterborough Cavy Club, SCC 3 star show, domare H. Mc Cormick (nonself) och J. Mc Cormick (self)

2016-05-07, Desborough
Welland Valley Cavy Club, NCC & SCC 2 star show, domare J. Saynor (nonself), P. Bell (self) & J.M. Eglington (pet)

Midlands Cavy Club (U5 Stock Show), NCC 2 star show, domare C. Pashley (nonself) & J Allen (pet)

2016-04-17, Yardley Hastings, Nene Valley
Nene Valley Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show, domare J. Gallagher (nonself, self & pet)

2016-04-02, Warwick
Warwickshire Cavy Club, NCC 3 star show, domare Claire Pashely (nonself) & Aaron Barnicott (pet)

Midlands Cavy Club (Intermediate Stock Show), NCC 2 star show, domare H. Pashley (nonself) & J. Pashley (pet)
Sheltie Varieties Cavy Club, domare Rex Matthews

2016-02-21, Loughborough
Loughborough Rabbit and Cavy Club, NCC 2 star show(?), domare G. Godfrey

Midlands Cavy Club (Adult Stock Show), NCC 2 star show, domare R. Woolston (nonself) & D. Walton (self)

2016-02-20, Chelmsford
Essex Cavy Society, SCC 2 star show, domare Ian Reynolds (nonself) & Julie Gallagher (self)

2016-01-30, Harrogate
Bradford Small Livestock Society, NCC 5 star show, domare I. Reynolds (U5) & D. Pike (Ad)

2015-12-05, Peterborough
Peterborough Cavy Club, SCC 3 star show, domare R. Woolston & C. Smith

2015-11-22, Dorking
Dorking Cavy Club, SCC & NCC 4 star show, domare Paul Conway

Southern Cavy Club (Adult Stock Show), SCC 5 star show, domare A. Sparkes